Research Article

Automatic Surgery and Anesthesia Emergence Duration Prediction Using Artificial Neural Networks

Table 1

Input and output variables of the surgery duration prediction system.


Input1. Gender (1) Male
(2) Female
2. BMI Body mass index
3. SBP Systolic blood pressure
4. DBP Diastolic blood pressure
5. PR Pulse rate
6. RR Respiration rate
7. Temperature Body temperature
8. Heart function classification (1) I level
(2) II level
(3) III level
9. RBC Red blood cell
10. HB Hemoglobin
11. HCT Hematocrit
12. PLT Platelet
13. K Potassium
14. NA Sodium
15. CL Chlorine
16. APTT Activated partial thromboplastic time
17. PT Prothrombin time
18. TT Thrombin time
19. American society of anesthesiologists (ASA) classification (1) I level
(2) II level
(3) III level
20. Anesthesia type (1) Local anesthesia
(2) General anesthesia
21. Surgeon title (1) Physician
(2) Attending physician
(3) Deputy chief physician
(4) Chief physician
22. Seniority of surgeon The working years of surgeon
23. Age of surgeon
24. Surgical grade (1) Small
(2) Medium
(3) Large
(4) Super
Output (original)Duration of surgery (1) 1 hour
(2) 1-2 hours
(3) 2-3 hours
(4) 3-4 hours
Output (statistical)Duration of surgery (1) 1000
(2) 0100
(3) 0010
(4) 0001