Research Article

Graph-Based Semantic Web Service Composition for Healthcare Data Integration

Table 4

Dependency graph generation rule implemented with SPARQL.

SPARQL ruleDescription

?arc rdf:type wse:Arc.
?i1 rdf:type wse:Vertex. ?i2 rdf:type wse:Vertex.
?arc wse:tail ?i1. ?arc wse:head ?i2.
?arc wse:hasOperation ?s1.
?s1 rdf:type wse:AtomicProcess.
?s1 wse:hasInput ?i1. ?s1 wse:hasOutput ?o1.
?s2 rdf:type wse:AtomicProcess.
?s2 wse:hasInput ?i2. ?s2 wse:hasOutput ?o2.
?m rdf:type wse:SemanticMatching.
?m wse:sourceParameter ?o1. ?m wse:targetParameter ?i2.
BIND(IRI(CONCAT(STRBEFORE(STR(?s1),“#”),“#”, STRAFTER(STR(?i1),“#”),“-”, STRAFTER(STR(?i2),“#”))) AS? arc).
For all atomic processes (?s), the input (?i) and output (?o) of ?sis expressed by triples, (?s, wse:hasInput, ?i) and (?s, wse:hasOutput, ?o), respectively. Let ?i1 and ?o1 refer to the input and output parameters of atomic process ?s1, and let ?i2 and ?o2 refer to the input and output parameters of atomic process ?s2. If there exists matching instance ?m that maps parameters from ?o1 to ?i2, then ?arc is created as the arc of WS dependency graph. ?i1 and ?i2 are expressed as vertices of a graph via triples (?i1, rdf:type, wse:Vertex) and (?i2, rdf:type, wse:Vertex) and are constructed as the tail and head of ?arc via triples (?arc, wse:tail, ?i1) and (?arc, wse:head, ?i2). Finally, atomic process ?s1 is added into the redundant operation set of ?arc via a triple (?arc, wse:hasOperation ?s1).