Research Article

Risky Alcohol Consumption and Heavy Episodic Drinking among Parents in Germany: Results of a Nationwide Cross-Sectional Study

Table 4

Associations between heavy episodic drinking and selected covariates among mothers and fathers (logistic regression; odds ratios; and figures in bold print, p value <0.05), n = 15,547.

OR95% CIOR95% CIOR95% CIOR95% CI

Age group



Employment status
 Part time1.46(1.17–1.82)1.25(0.98–1.59)0.80(0.49–1.32)0.74(0.44–1.23)
 Full time1.37(1.05–1.80)1.10(0.81–1.48)1.14(0.78–1.66)0.99(0.66–1.48)

Experienced unemploymentd

Migration background

Living with partner

Children in household

Age of the youngest child

a≥6 alcoholic drinks on a single occasion at least once a month; baccording to the CASMIN classification; cnet equivalent income compared with the median net equivalent income (low: under 60%, middle: 60–150%, high: >150%); d12 months or more in the last 5 years.