Research Article

Factors Associated with Composting of Solid Waste at Household Level in Masaka Municipality, Central Uganda

Table 2

Awareness, perceptions, and practices on household composting.

VariablesNumber of participants ()Percentage (%)

Knowledge on composting
Ever heard of composting
Important to do household composting ()
Knew the type of waste that can be composted
 Did not know (non-biodegradable)226.9
 Knew (biodegradable)29993.2
Knew the equipment used in composting
 Did not know16852.3
 Knew (skip, tent, and windrows)15347.7

Perceptions about composting
Composting requires a lot of space
Compost is better than artificial fertiliser
Composting is not worthwhile
Composting takes a lot of time
Composting requires technical knowledge

Practice on composting
Engaged in composting
Stored domestic waste at the household
Had a garden
Segregated wastes at home