Research Article

Water Physicochemistry and Zooplankton Fauna of Aiba Reservoir Headwater Streams, Iwo, Nigeria

Table 2

Descriptive statistics and seasonal variation of water physicochemical parameters in Aiba lotic system (May 2013–March 2014).

ParameterDescriptive statisticsSeasonal variation Mann-Whitney test
MinimumMaximumMean ± S.D.Rainy seasonDry season

Water temperature (°C)24.529.026.4 ± 1.626.0 ± 1.326.9 ±
Water depth (m) ± 0.41.0 ± 0.41.0 ± 0.4170.9362
Secchi depth (m)0.100.900.41 ± 0.220.35 ± 0.210.47 ± 0.2413.50.5222
Channel width (m) ± 2.714.7 ± 3.214.7 ± 2.5170.9362
Flow velocity (m/s)00.050.016 ± 0.0170.02 ± 0.020.011 ± 0.008180.9362
Discharge (m3/s)01.4400.334 ± 0.4910.178 ± 0.1270.165 ± 0.164170.9362
TS (mg/L)86773191 ± 188132 ± 62251 ± 25780.1282
TSS (mg/L)16643127 ± 16996 ± 58157 ± 240160.8102
TDS (mg/L)3013064 ± 3136 ± 586 ± 2500.0051
pH6.658.307.24 ± 0.557.50 ± 0.666.97 ± 0.2680.1285
Electrical conductivity (S/cm)90.0186.0121.7 ± 29.8116.7 ± 19.7126.7 ± 38.8170.9362
Total alkalinity (mgCaCO3/L) ± 14.639.4 ± 15.133.3 ± 14.7140.5752
(mg/L)02.090.75 ± 0.650.45 ± 0.351.05 ± 0.76100.2298
(mg/L)01.250.57 ± 0.420.43 ± 0.430.71 ± 0.3711.50.3367
Dissolved oxygen (mg/L) ± 2.23.7 ± 1.64.9 ± 2.7140.5752

= 12, critical value of = 5 at < 0.05.