Research Article

N − 1 Security Criteria Based Integrated Deterministic and Probabilistic Framework for Composite Power System Reliability

Algorithm 1

Development of using integrated D-P framework.
(1)procedure Integrated D-P framework
(2)load test system load data
(3)perform Load Variation
(4)Normal PDF for at ±5%
(5)perform AC-OPF at base case load
(6)while temp = 0
(7)perform Deterministic Approach
(8)  for each contingent line i
(9)   perform AC-OPF
(10)   Calculate
(11)    if
(12)      Line is operating normally
(13)    else if
(14)     Line is in insecure state
(15)    else
(16)     Line is overloaded
(17)   Calculate
(18)    if
(19)     Line is Not Critical (NC)
(20)    else if
(21)     Line is Critical (C)
(22)    else
(23)     Line is Most Critical (MC)
(24)   for
(25)    Calculate
(26)   end for
(27)  end for
(28)perform Probabilistic Approach
(29)  for Available line k || Unavailable line i (Contingent Line)
(30)   Calculate ||
(31)   Calculate Outage probability using (11)
(32)   Calculate using (12)
(33)   perform AC-OPF for each outage condition
(34)    Check OPF convergence
(35)     if OPF converged for each outage condition
(36)      Calculate Reliability Indices—
(37)     else
(38)      Calculate Reliability Indices— (Loss of Load)
(39)   Calculate
(40)    if
(41)     Line is Not Critical (NC)
(42)    elseif 0.8
(43)     Line is Critical (C)
(44)    else
(45)     Line is Most Critical (MC)
(46)  end for
(47)end while
(48)Compute using (19)–(22)
(49)Compute using (23)
(50)Compute using (24)
(51)Compute using (25)
(52)end procedure