Research Article

Large Gliadin Peptides Detected in the Pancreas of NOD and Healthy Mice following Oral Administration

Figure 1

Quantification of 3H-33-mer, 3H-19-mer, and 3H-tyrosine following oral ingestion in NOD mice in intestine (white), pancreas (red), and other tissues (green). (a) Radioactivity relative to blood in selected tissues 1, 24, and 72 h after oral administration of 3H-33-mer to mice aged 8 and 12 weeks, of 3H-19-mer to mice aged 12 weeks, and of 3H tyrosine to mice aged 20 weeks (–4 mice). Error bars represent SEM. Sto (stomach), Duo (duodenum), Jej (jejunum), Ile (ileum), Pan (pancreas), Liv (liver), Gal (gallbladder), Spl (spleen), Kid (kidney), Hea (heart), Lun (lung), and Thy (thyroid gland). (b) Tissue distribution of 3H-33-mer, 3H-19-mer, and 3H-tyrosine tracer in NOD mice 0.5, 1, and 3 hours after oral administration. NOD mice (6–8 weeks) were given 3H-33-mer (upper), 3H-19-mer (middle), or 3H-labeled tyrosine (bottom). mice. Error bars represent SEM. The abbreviations are as above.