Research Article

Structural Changes in Rice Bran Protein upon Different Extrusion Temperatures: A Raman Spectroscopy Study

Table 4

Normalized intensities of the tryptophan stretching band (759 cm−1), tyrosyl doublet stretching ring (850/830 cm−1), CH bending vibration band (1450 cm−1) of rice bran protein (RBP), and extruded rice bran protein (ERBP) at different extrusion temperature.

SampleTrp band ()Tyr doublet ( cm−1)CH band ( cm−1)

RBP1.03 ± 0.011.01 ± 0.011.11 ± 0.01
ERBP-1001.00 ± 0.011.00 ± 0.000.95 ± 0.00
ERBP-1200.97 ± 0.001.01 ± 0.010.92 ± 0.01
ERBP-1400.94 ± 0.011.00 ± 0.000.88 ± 0.00
ERBP-1600.98 ± 0.010.95 ± 0.010.98 ± 0.01

RBP: rice bran protein; ERBP-100: extruded rice bran protein at 100°C temperature; ERBP-120: extruded rice bran protein at 120°C temperature; ERBP-140: extruded rice bran protein at 140°C temperature; ERBP-160: extruded rice bran protein at 160°C temperature.
Normalized intensities are the ratio of relative intensity of each Raman band and intensity of phenylalanine band at 1003 cm−1.
Different superscript letters in the same column indicate significant differences ().