Research Article

Neuromorphic Vision Based Multivehicle Detection and Tracking for Intelligent Transportation System

Table 1

The standard file format in our benchmark. In event.txt, timestamp recodes the timestamp of each raw event, x and y are the coordinates of the event’s origin, and p is the event’s polarity. In det.txt, box_x and box_y are x and y coordinates of the bounding box and box_width and box_height are the width and height of each bounding box. The events which fall into a bounding box from start timestamp to end timestamp are accumulated to a cluster. Each cluster has an ID. The items’ definitions in gt.txt and track.txt are similar to det.txt file, except that the gt.txt shows the ground truth and track.txt shows the result of tracking.

File name DescriptionFormat

event.txtOne event per line(timestamp, x, y, p)
det.txtOne detection measurement per line(starttimestamp, endtimestamp, box_x, box_y, box_width, box_height)
gt.txtOne ground-truth measurement per line(starttimestamp, endtimestamp, ID, box_x, box_y, box_width, box_height)
track.txtOne tracking measurement per line(starttimestamp, endtimestamp, ID, box_x, box_y, box_width, box_height)