Research Article

Effects of Mind-Body Qigong Exercise on Overall Health, Fatigue/Sleep, and Cognition in Older Chinese Immigrants in the US: An Intervention Study with Control

Table 2

Within-group effects on cognition and self-report health outcomes.

VariablePretest mean (SD)Posttest mean (SD)Paired differences (95% CI)t/ZP value

Overall health (SHMS) (, )
 Intervention123.96 (15.96)128.89 (16.51)−4.933 (−9.424 to −0.443)−2.2140.032
 Control126.58 (15.86)124.81 (17.53)1.774 (−3.059 to 6.608)0.7500.459
Subjective sleep report (PSQI) (, )
 Intervention8.43 (4.74)7.55 (4.67)0.872 (−0.356 to 0.2.101)1.4290.160
  GS, N (%)14 (29.8)20 (42.6)−1.8970.058
  PS, N (%)33 (70.2)27 (57.4)
 Control10.26 (5.32)10.13 (4.81)0.129 (−1.087 to 1.345)0.2170.830
  GS, N (%)8 (25.8)4 (12.9)−2.0000.046
  PS, N (%)23 (74.2)27 (87.1)
Self-report fatigue (FSS) (, )
 Intervention38.53 (11.22)31.36 (11.05)7.170 (3.107 to 11.233)3.5520.001
 Control37.61 (12.86)39.68 (14.31)−2.065 (−6.892 to 2.763)−0.8730.389
Memory (d’) (, )
 Intervention1.08 (0.729)1.31 (0.721)−0.229 (−0.413 to −0.046)−2.5270.015
 Control1.21 (0.615)0.917 (0.655)0.293 (0.075 to 0.512)2.7580.010
Vigilance (response speed) (, )
 Intervention2.67 (0.592)2.90 (0.441)−0.221 (−0.359 to −0.0834)−3.2400.002
 Control2.58 (0.544)2.73 (0.586)−0.156 (−0.317 to −0.005)−1.9830.057
Vigilance (response time) (, )
 Intervention391.67 (122.52)348.31 (62.30)43.36 (10.12 to 76.59)2.6350.012
 Control418.67 (203.25)406.50 (265.28)12.17 (−36.21 to 60.54)0.5140.611

SD, standard deviation; , number of samples in the intervention group; , number of samples in the control group; Z, Wilcoxon signed-rank test statistics; d’, z-transformed hit rates minus z-transformed false alarm rates (higher rates indicate better memory); PSQI, higher scores indicate more sleep problems; SHMS, higher scores indicate better health; FSS, higher scores indicate more severe fatigue; GS, good sleeper (PSQI score ≤5); PS, poor sleeper (PSQI score >5). The bold values indicate the significant p values.