Research Article

Effects of Mind-Body Qigong Exercise on Overall Health, Fatigue/Sleep, and Cognition in Older Chinese Immigrants in the US: An Intervention Study with Control

Table 1

Demographics of intervention and control groups.

Total (N = 88)Intervention (N = 53)Control (N = 35)P value

Age, mean (SD) (range)78.13 (5.05) (66 to 93)78.43 (4.98) (69 to 93)77.66 (5.18) (66 to 88)0.7050.483
Gender, N (%)1.2610.261
 Male13 (14.8)6 (11.3)7 (20.0)
 Female75 (85.2)47 (88.7)28 (80.0)
Educational level, N (%)5.9470.203
 Primary school and below14 (15.9)10 (18.9)4 (11.4)
 Middle school19 (21.6)11 (20.8)8 (22.9)
 High school15 (17.0)11 (20.8)4 (11.4)
 Vocational school9 (10.2)7 (13.2)2 (5.7)
 University or college and above31 (35.2)14 (26.4)17 (48.6)
Occupation before retirement, N (%)10.7990.148
 Civil servant6 (6.8)3 (5.7)3 (8.6)
 Office worker17 (19.3)10 (18.9)7 (20.0)
 Specialist40 (45.5)19 (35.8)21 (60.0)
 Business personnel3 (3.4)3 (5.7)0 (0.0)
 Private business owner2 (2.3)2 (3.8)0 (0.0)
 Housewife2 (2.3)1 (1.9)1 (2.9)
 Freelancer3 (3.4)3 (5.7)0 (0.0)
 Other occupation15 (17.0)12 (22.6)3 (8.6)
Marital status, N (%)5.1580.271
 Never married2 (2.3)0 (0.0)2 (5.7)
 Married56 (63.6)32 (60.4)24 (68.6)
 Divorced2 (2.3)1 (1.9)1 (2.9)
 Widowed27 (30.7)19 (35.8)8 (22.9)
 Separated1 (1.1)1 (1.9)0 (0.0)
BMI (kg/m2), mean (SD) (range)24.81 (3.43) (16.77 to 35.49)24.97 (3.20) (17.19 to 33.71)24.55 (3.83) (16.77 to 35.49)0.5400.590
Nap frequency, N (%)6.1990.102
 Never18 (22.2)8 (16.0)10 (32.3)
 1-2 times/week13 (16.0)6 (12.0)7 (22.6)
 3-4 times/week14 (17.4)11 (22.0)3 (9.7)
 5–7 times/week36 (44.4)25 (50.0)11 (35.5)