Research Article

Is Self-Reported Physical Activity Participation Associated with Lower Health Services Utilization among Older Adults? Cross-Sectional Evidence from the Canadian Community Health Survey

Table 7

The association between differing levels of typical daily activitya and health services utilization, stratified by age.

50 to 64 years65 to 79 years80 years and older
= 29,914 = 20,183 = 6,555

General physician services
 At least 1 contact with a GP
  Standing or walking1.13(0.96–1.32)0.1431.19(0.96–1.47)0.1070.73(0.50–1.07)0.104
  Lifting light/heavy loads0.90(0.76–1.06)0.2210.77(0.61–0.98)0.0300.77(0.46–1.28)0.312
 Number of GP consultationsb
  Standing or walking0.97(0.92–1.02)0.2980.97(0.92–1.02)0.2390.89(0.81–0.99)0.027
  Lifting light/heavy loads0.91(0.86–0.97)0.0020.87(0.82–0.93)<0.0010.84(0.73–0.95)0.006
Specialist physician services
 At least 1 contact with a specialist
  Standing or walking0.95(0.85–1.06)0.3660.88(0.77–1.00)0.0480.85(0.68–1.07)0.169
  Lifting light/heavy loads0.85(0.75–0.97)0.0200.86(0.74–1.01)0.0650.72(0.52–0.99)0.041
 Number of specialist consultationsb
  Standing or walking0.80(0.70–0.93) 0.0020.86(0.75–0.98)0.0230.76(0.63–0.92)0.005
  Lifting light/heavy loads0.74(0.64–0.86)<0.0010.82(0.71–0.95)0.0060.66(0.50–0.88)0.005
Hospital services
 Overnight hospitalization
  Standing or walking0.93(0.77–1.12)0.4310.85(0.72–1.01)0.0600.80(0.62–1.03)0.081
  Lifting light/heavy loads0.88(0.70–1.09)0.2430.68(0.56–0.84)<0.0010.92(0.64–1.34)0.678
 Number of nights in hospitalb
  Standing or walking0.78(0.64–0.94)0.0080.84(0.68–1.03)0.0950.78(0.59–1.02)0.072
  Lifting light/heavy loads0.85(0.67–1.09)0.2040.58(0.45–0.76)<0.0010.52(0.36–0.76)0.001

Typical daily activity is a 3-level categorical variable describing respondents’ usual level of daily activity outside of LTPA. The reference group (not shown in table) is “usually sitting.”
The estimate is an incidence rate ratio (IRR).
Note: adjusted for (reference category in italics) the following: age; sex (male/female); marital status (married: yes/no); education (graduated secondary: yes/no); ethnicity (non-Aboriginal/Aboriginal); employment status (employed: no/yes); household size (1, 2, 3, or more people); dwelling size (<3 bedrooms, 3 bedrooms, >3 bedrooms); immigration status (nonimmigrant, immigrant); injury in previous 12 months (no/yes); limitation in ADLs (no/yes); smoking status (never smoked/former smoker/nonsmoker); exposed to 2nd hand smoke (no/yes); alcohol consumption (<1 drink daily/at least 1 drink daily); BMI (<25.0 kg·m2/25.0–29.9 kg·m2/≥30 kg·m2 or greater); time spent walking to work or to run errands (none/<1 hour/≥1 hour); cycling to work or to run errands (no/yes); typical daily activity level (usually sitting/standing or walking/lifting light and/or heavy loads); annual household income (<$15,000; $15,000–$29,999; ≥$30,000; missing); province (ON, MB, AB, BC, SK, QC, Other ); urban-rural classification (urban/rural); language (able to speak English and/or French: yes/no); has regular family doctor (yes/no); self-rated general health (excellent/very good/good; fair/poor); self-rated mental health (excellent/very good/good; fair/poor); diagnosed with hypertension, cardiovascular disease (including stroke), COPD, asthma, diabetes, cancer, neurological conditions, rheumatological conditions, back problems, gastrointestinal disorders, mood/anxiety disorders, or other chronic conditions (no/yes for each); number of chronic conditions (none/1 condition/2 conditions/3 conditions/4 or more conditions); number of GP consultations.