Review Article

Cellular Senescence as a Target in Cancer Control

Table 1

Cellular clock driving senescence hypothesis.

Cellular clockCauseMolecular readout

Error-catastrophe theories
Somatic mutation accumulationMetabolism/oxygen free radicalsAltered protein function, DNA damage
Mitochondrial DNA mutationOxygen free radicalsAltered mitochondrial function
Posttranslational modification of proteinsOxidation, glycosylation, acetylation, methylation, and so forthAltered function of proteins
Altered proteolysisErrors in proteolysis machineryAccumulation non functional proteins

Deterministic theories
Telomere shorteningno replication of the telomere endsDNA damage, exposure ends of telomeres, Liberation regulatory proteins, and so forth
Changes in heterochromatin domainschanges in transcription
Changes in DNA methylationchanges in transcription
Codon restrictionSwitching codon preferences in early development, restrict availability later In lifeAltered protein synthesis
Terminal differentiationSenescence is a form of terminal di- fferentiation genetically controlled

Several hypotheses for cellular clocks driving senescence have been proposed. Most of them lay into error-catastrophe theories, suggesting that senescence is a byproduct of cell living, and deterministic theories, suggesting a genetic program for cellular senescence. Some of the most representative theories are collected in this table.