Research Article

Alcohol Use and Its Associated Factors among Adolescents Aged 15–19 Years at Governmental High Schools of Aksum Town, Tigray, Ethiopia, 2019: A Cross-Sectional Study

Table 2

Bivariate and multivariate logistic analysis of factors associated with alcohol use among adolescents aged 15–19 years at governmental high schools of Aksum town, Tigray, Ethiopia, in 2019 (n = 633).

VariablesCategoryAlcohol useCOR (95% CI)AOR (95% CI) value

SexMale1551891.65 (1.19, 2.28)1.80 (1.24, 2.60)0.002

Fathers’ occupationPrivate employed2776110.000
Farmers1141081.63 (.89, 2.97)4.24 (2.03, 8.85)0.000
Daily labors8262.85 (1.73, 4.72).72 (.27, 1.93)0.508
Merchant48652.95 (1.76, 4.94)1.65 (.85, 3.19)0.137
Government employee541071.62 (093, 2.83)1.91 (1.00, 3.64)0.049

Parental neglectYes1071211.60 (1.15, 2.23)1.75 (1.20, 2.55)0.004

Social supportPoor social support106184110.049
Moderate social support841201.22 (.84, 1.75)1.35 (.89, 2.10)0.164
Strong social support61781.36 (.90, 2.05)1.79 (1.11, 2.87)0.016

Family size>51251311.90 (1.37, 2.63)2.03 (1.39, 2.97)0.000

Current cigarette smokingYes1554.79 (1.72, 13.36)4.69 (.89, 24.7)0.069

Lifetime cigaretteYes1793.01 (1.32, 6.87)1.43 (.36, 5.70)0.613

Mothers’ educational statusCertificate and above1952110.002
Illiterate591181.37 (.74, 2.52).76 (.33, 1.75)0.511
1–4 grades71672.90 (1.55, 5.41)1.69 (.73, 3.93)0.221
5–8 grades57702.23 (1.19, 4.19)1.91 (.87, 4.20)0.106
9–12 grades45751.64 (.86, 3.12)1.96 (.93, 4.14)0.079

Mothers’ occupationHousewife5584110.076
Farmer81971.28 (.81, 2.00).63 (.34, 1.16)0.140
Daily laborer11270.62 (.29, 1.36)0.47 (.19, 1.15)0.098
Merchant34431.21 (.69, 2.12)1.29 (.67, 2.500.451
Government employee42650.99 (.59, 1.65)1.08 (.55, 2.11)0.827
Private employee28660.65 (.37, 1.13)0.53 (.28, 1.00)0.051

ResidenceUrban1572710.68 (.49, 0.96)1.16 (0.72, 1.87)0.547

Fathers’ educational statusCertificate and above3297110.002
Illiterate29541.63 (.89, 2.97)1.60 (0.75, 3.39)0.221
1–8 grades1511582.90 (1.83, 4.58)2.98 (1.60, 5.53)0.001
9–12 grades39731.62 (.93, 2.83)1.54 (.82, 2.91)0.182