Research Article

Emergency Department and Radiological Cost of Delayed Diagnosis of Cannabinoid Hyperemesis

Table 1

Costs of delayed diagnosis of CH in ED hospital visits (ED: emergency department; AAS: acute abdominal series; CT: computed tomography; US: ultrasound).

Number of ED Admissions Per Patient17.9
Average Total ED Charge$ 36,188.52
Average Number of X-Rays0.9
Average Total Cost of X-Rays$756.78
Average Number of AAS5
Average Total Cost of AAS$4,189.50
Average Number of CTs4.9
Average Total Cost of CTs$31,092.23
Average Number of US2.4
Average Total Cost of US$4,063.89
Average Total Cost of All Imaging$40,102.40
Average Total Cost Incurred Per Patient$76,290.92

X-ray is constituted by a single radiograph. An acute abdominal series (AAS) is a radiological exam consisting of a series of radiographs that includes an erect kidney ureter and bladder (KUB) projection, a recumbent KUB projection, and a left lateral decubitus image of the abdomen.