Research Article

Evaluation of Immunomodulatory and Hematologic Cell Outcome in Heroin/Opioid Addicts

Table 2

Inflammatory series and platelet parameters of both groups.

Laboratory parametersStatistic+HG (n=51)CG (n=50)p-value

Platelet (PLT, K/uL)Mean ± Sd263.73±72.22233.90±54.3092.800.010
Mean Platelet Volume (MPV, fl)Med ± IR6.77±1.088.72±2.1079.44≤0.001#
Plateletcrit (PCT, GSD)Mean ± Sd0.19±0.050.20±0.0493.180.154
Platelet Distribution Width (PDW, %)Med ± IR17.20±1.0016.90±5.2757.790.144
White Blood Cell Count (WBC, K/uL)Med ± IR8.55±3.597.50±1.6875.480.001#
Neutrophils (NEUn, K/uL)Med ± IR5.52±2.894.19±1.3579.57≤0.001#
Neutrophil (NEU%, K/uL)Mean ± Sd63.50±7.6056.47±7.5698.97≤0.001#
Lymphocytes (LYMn, K/uL)Mean ± Sd2.51±0.962.60±0.6588.090.558
Lymphocyte (LYM%, K/uL)Mean ± Sd27.22±7.1634.88±7.0998.98≤0.001#
Monocytes (MONOn, K/uL)Med ± IR0.50±0.330.50±0.1881.140.311
Monocytes (MONO %, K/uL)Mean ± Sd6.18±1.766.35±1.7498.980.624
Eosinophils (EOSn, K/uL)Med ± IR0.19±0.190.16±0.1072.750.250
Eosinophils (EOS%, K/uL)Med ± IR2.11±1.811.88±1.3386.380.696
Basophils (BASOn, K/uL)Mean ± Sd0.067±0.060.068±0.0655.160.550
Basophils (BASO%, K/uL)Mean ± Sd0.77±0.340.84±0.4789.120.421
Platelet / lymphocyte ratio (PLR)Med ± IR107.88±80.3191.16±32.6781.820.014
Neutrophil / lymphocyte ratio (NLR)Med ± IR2.31±1.421.61±0.9578.36≤0.001#

Significant at the 0.05 level (two-tailed). at the 0.001 level (two-tailed). Division (Mean ± SD) for parametric analysis and Median ± Interquartile (Med ± IR) range for nonparametric analysis. -correction to the degrees of freedom (df).