Research Article

Determining Nitrate and Nitrite Content in Beverages, Fruits, Vegetables, and Stews Marketed in Arak, Iran

Table 1

Mean levels and range (mg kg−1) for nitrate and nitrite in some stews.

Kind of stewSamplesNitrateNitrite

Gheimeh stew2320.97a6.82–5619.99a1.43–58
Eggplant stew1939.2a2.3–11618.17a<LOD–50.4
Ghormeh stew25105.45b15–186.623.8a2.1–86.5
Celery stew15136.76c56–21838.23a10.6–87.5
Fesenjan stew2042.26a10.54–106.518.43b3.1–36

Least squares means within the same row without a common superscript differ ( < 0.05).