Review Article

Mycorrhizal Interactions for Reforestation: Constraints to Dryland Agroforest in Brazil

Table 2

Summary of actual evidence on AM species in major forestry plants in Brazil.

SourcePlant speciesRCDominant or total AM species numberGlomeraceae dominant or inoculatedTotal AM species numberBE

Pagano et al. [3]Plathymenia reticulata~60Acaulospora (6 species); Entrophospora (1); Gigaspora (3); Glomus (10) and Scutellospora (2);+22+
Miranda [93]Caryocar brasiliense; Hancornia speciosa; Dipteryx alata; Mauritia flexuosa; Syagrus oleracea; Dalbergia nigra; Pterodon emarginatus; Passiflora alata NINININI+
Moreira et al. [42]Araucaria angustifolia~35Acaulospora (9 species); Entrophospora (2); Gigaspora (2); Glomus (5) and Scutellospora (2)+20+
Stürmer and Siqueira [92]CoffeeNIAcaulospora (7 species); Archaeospora (2); Entrophospora (2); Gigaspora (4); Glomus (14); Paraglomus (1) and Scutellospora (5)+~46+
Trindade et al. [94]Carica papaya~60Acaulospora (1 species); Gigaspora (1); Glomus (1); Paraglomus (1) and Scutellospora (1)+NI+

% Maximal AM root colonization; NI = not informed; BE = benefic effect of inoculation; (+) = positive. References: Trindade et al. [94]; Miranda [93] (see the rest of references in the text).