Research Article

Seroprevalence of Toxocariasis and Its Associated Risk Factors among Adult Population in Kavar District, Fars Province, South of Iran: A Cross-Sectional Community-Based Seroepidemiological Survey

Table 1

Demographic features of the total included subjects and those with toxocariasis.

CharacteristicsFrequency (percent %)Positive for anti-Toxocaraantibodies (percent %) value

Age (years)35–45344 (32.5)24 (7.0)0.470
46–55464 (43.8)23 (5.0)
56252 (23.8)14 (5.6)

SexMale532 (50.2)22 (4.1)0.023
Female528 (49.8)39 (7.4)

JobHousewife486 (45.8)39 (8.0)0.003
Retired170 (16.0)11 (6.5)0.662
Driver94 (8.9)2 (2.1)0.160
Employee69 (6.5)3 (4.3)0.792
Freelance occupation95 (9.0)5 (5.3)0.829
Labor63 (5.9)0 (0.0)0.045
Farmer72 (6.8)1 (1.4)0.117
Stockman11 (1.0)0 (0.0)1.000

Animal contact with cats and dogs (sometimes)1060 (100)61 (5.0)

value <0.05 was considered significant. The comparison was conducted between subjects with positive and negative anti-Toxocara antibodies. Bold values represent p < 0.05, which was considered statistically significant.