Research Article

A Comparative Cross-Sectional Study of Coagulation Profiles and Platelet Parameters of Schistosoma mansoni-Infected Adults at Haik Primary Hospital, Northeast Ethiopia

Table 1

Sociodemographic characteristics of S. mansoni-infected and noninfected study participants.

VariablesS. mansoni positive (N = 90)Control (N = 90)

Mean age and standard deviation30.33 ± 12.2631.2 ± 12.85

SexMale48 (53.3%)49 (54.4%)
Female42 (46.7%)41(45.6%)

ResidenceUrban54 (60%)50 (55.6)
Rural36 (40%)40 (44.4%)

Educational statusIlliterate27 (30%)28(31.1%)
Primary24 (26.7%)22(24.4%)
Secondary24 (26.7%)23(25.6%)
College and above15 (19.7%)17(16.7%)

OccupationStudent27 (30%)27(30%)
Government employee9(10%)11(12.2%)
Farmer12 (13.3%)13(14.4%)
House wife27(30%)25(27.8%)