Research Article

Prediction of Omicron Virus Using Combined Extended Convolutional and Recurrent Neural Networks Technique on CT-Scan Images

Table 3

Algorithm steps of the ECNN approach.

Step 1: import required libraries
Step 2: preprocessing of the dataset
Step 3: combined CNN with extended neurons
Step 4: perform 10-folded cross-validation with 2 classes
Step 5: import Keras deep learning library with all supported libraries
Step 6: reset all parameters of ECNN
Step 7: enhance the ECNN part and about regulation of loss calculation function
Step 8: enhancement of yield part of 10-folded with 2 classes
Step 9: accumulate the ECNN parameters
Step 10: adjusting the ECNN in the preparation of model
Step 11: load the Omicron disease infection image dataset
Step 12: Predicting the infection severity through classifying the dataset into 2 classes
Step 13: Outcome of the trained model and stop the model