Research Article

Influence of Handprint Culture Training on Compliance of Healthcare Workers with Hand Hygiene

Table 3

Comparison of results of Hand Print 0-After HH and Hand Print-6 weeks-After HH.

CFU according to microorganismsHand Print 0-After HHHand Print-6 weeks-After HH value

Median number of CFU/dominant hand/HCW (min–max) for all bacteria2 (1–51)5 (1–110)0.07
Total number of CFU/dominant hands of the 40 HCWs1343460.608
Transient bacteria/HCWs; median number of CFU/dominant hand/HCWs (%)
Staphylococcus aureus; (%)88 (65.7)155 (35)<0.0001
Gram negative non-lactose fermenters; (%)22 (16)75 (17)0.13622
Gram negative lactose fermenters; (%)7 (5)0<0.0001
Pseudomonas; (%)3 (2.24)00.0251
Resident bacteria/HCWs; median number of CFU/dominant hand/HCWs (%)
Staph. CoNS; (%)12 ( 9 )197 (45)<0.0001
Anthracoids; (%)2 (1.5)9 (2)<0.0001