Research Article

Status and Trends of the Ferruginous Duck’s (Aythya nyroca) Wintering Population in Morocco: Analysis of 35 Years of Winter Census Data (1983-2017)

Table 2

Wetlands hosting, at least once, more than 1% of the Ferruginous duck’s regional population.

Site name ∖Years20082009201020112012201320142015201620171 RP

Merja de l’wad Fouwarate32435668045038663412007
Merja de Sidi Bou Ghaba2283722503204004006
Barrage Zelmou955752587520254
Barrage Mohammed V5400352
Barrage Hassar12445516123
Dayet ‘Awa6519524673
Marais du bas Loukkos146813561246192
Merja Bargha5086392
Barrage Al Wahda992
Aguelmam N’Tifounassine30272
Barrage Mechra’ Hommadi761
Lagunes de Sidi Moussa-Walidia210441
Côte et Archipel d’Essawira3541
Dayet Ifrah33221
Aguelmam Afennourir2156161

No. of sites verifying the 1 threshold1118238454

Number of times the 1% of the Regional Population of the species ("West Mediterranean/North & West Africa") (25 individuals) has been reached or exceeded.