Research Article

TreeBASIS Feature Descriptor and Its Hardware Implementation

Table 4

The TreeBASIS descriptor system, including the correlator, takes a very small percentage of FPGA’s available fabric.

Device utilization summary
 Selected device: 6vlx7601760-2
Slice logic utilization
 Number of slice registers8787 out of 9484800%
 Number of slice LUTs26300 out of 4742405%
 Number used as logic26300 out of 4742405%
IO utilization
 Number of IOs 78
 Number of bonded IOBs78 out of 12006%
 Specific feature Utilization
 Number of block RAM/FIFO216 out of 72030%
 Number using block RAM only216
 Number of BUFG/BUFGCTRLs 1 out of 323%