Research Article

Association of Baseline Serum Soluble Tumour Necrosis Factor Receptor Levels with the Response of Rheumatoid Arthritis to Janus Kinase Inhibitor Therapy

Table 2

Univariate and multivariate logistic regression analysis for outcomes.

OR95% CIp value

Univariate analysis
 Age (years)0.973[0.942–1.010]0.104
 Female (%)0.820[0.231–2.910]0.759
 Duration (year)0.952[0.897–1.010]0.110
 StageI reference
 CRP (mg/dL)1.070[0.888–1.290]0.475
 Biologic- and JAKinib-naïve status1.900[0.702–5.150]0.206
 MTX use1.640[0.532–5.300]0.390
 PSL use0.476[0.176–1.290]0.143
 SASP use0.783[0.268-2.290]0.654
 IGU use0.328[0.039-2.750]0.304
 BUC use0.436[0.051-3.760]0.450
 TAC use0.233[0.029–1.910]0.175
 Log IL-6 at baseline0.504[0.187–1.360]0.176
 Log sIL-6R at baseline0.213[0.011–4.000]0.301
 Log sgp130 at baseline0.237[0.011–5.340]0.365
 sTNFR II/I ratio at baseline0.808[0.222–2.940]0.746
 Log sTNFR II at baseline0.002[0.0000653–0.634]0.034
 Log sTNFR I at baseline0.013[0.000126–1.300]0.065
Multivariate analysis
 Log sTNFR II at baseline0.001[0.000000251–0.458]0.027

Abbreviations: OR: odds ratio; CI: confidence interval; BMI: body mass index; SDAI: Simplified Disease Activity Index; CRP: C-reactive protein; JAKinib: Janus kinase inhibitor; MTX: methotrexate; PSL: prednisolone; IL-6: interleukin-6; sIL-6R: soluble IL-6 receptor; sgp130: soluble gp130; sTNFR-I: soluble tissue necrosis factor receptor-I; sTNFR-II: soluble tissue necrosis factor receptor-II; SASP: salazosulfapyridine; IGU: iguratimod; BUC: bucillamine; TAC: tacrolimus.