International Journal of Polymer Science

Sustainable Bio-based Nanofiller Polymer Composites

Publishing date
01 May 2022
Submission deadline
07 Jan 2022

1Tuskegee University, Tuskegee, USA

2Federal University of ABC (UFABC), Santo André, Brazil

3Auburn University, Auburn, USA

Sustainable Bio-based Nanofiller Polymer Composites


Climate change is a global challenge that needs to be tackled. Despite the detrimental effects, plastics are widely applied due to various properties like high strength, durability, transparency, corrosion resistance, low toxicity, and lightweight. Multifarious industries ranging from food packaging to space exploration tend to use plastics which leads to immense pollution. Bio-based polymer composites from sustainable sources have proven to be potential countermeasures against plastic pollution.

Recently, these composites have interested researchers. The interest is fuelled by the increasing demand in developing more sustainable alternatives of materials to decrease the use of plastics. Furthermore, the realm of bio-based materials is increasing due to the fact that bio-based product is more environmentally friendly and safer for human use/intake. Research efforts have been made in the preparation and characterization of nanocomposites obtained by infusion of nanofillers of different nature in polymer matrices. The homogenous dispersion of the nanofillers in transparent polymer matrices allows them to enhance their properties without compromising their prime nature. Synthesis and characterization of bio-based nanofillers from sustainable sources carry a great significance in developing novel polymer composites that are suitable for a wide range of applications such as structural, biomedical, aerospace, electrical, and others.

The aim of this Special Issue is to bring together original research and review articles discussing bio-based nanofiller polymer composites. We welcome submissions that include different techniques for synthesis, surface modification, and characterization of bio-based nanofillers from sustainable sources. We also hope that this Special Issue focuses on the properties and applications of fabricated polymer nanocomposites using bio-based fillers.

Potential topics include but are not limited to the following:

  • Biopolymers for sustainable bio-based nanofiller polymer composites
  • Biobased nanoparticles for sustainable bio-based nanofiller polymer composites
  • Plant-based nanomaterials for sustainable bio-based nanofiller polymer composites
  • Animal-based nanomaterials for sustainable bio-based nanofiller polymer composites
  • Agricultural waste materials for sustainable bio-based nanofiller polymer composites
  • Recycled plastics for sustainable bio-based nanofiller polymer composites
International Journal of Polymer Science
 Journal metrics
See full report
Acceptance rate27%
Submission to final decision86 days
Acceptance to publication18 days
Journal Citation Indicator0.510
Impact Factor3.3
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