Research Article

Correlation of the Dietary Protein Intake between Those Estimated from a Short Protein Food-Recall Questionnaire and from 24-Hour Urinary Urea-Nitrogen Excretion in Stages 3-4 Chronic Kidney Disease Patients

Table 1

Participants’ demographic and biochemical data.


Age, years (mean ± SD)62 ± 7.8
Female, case (%)43 (71.6%)
Education level, case (%)
 Uneducated9 (15%)
 Elementary school51 (85%)
Diabetic kidney disease, case (%)31 (51.66%)
Hypertension, case (%)58 (96.66%)
Cardiovascular disease, case (%)2 (3.33%)
Stage of CKD,
 3A cases (%)21 (35%)
 3B cases (%)28 (46.7%)
 4 cases (%)11 (18.3%)
Body weight, kg (mean ± SD)62.0 ± 4.24
BMI, kg/m2 (mean ± SD)25.1 ± 2.83
eGFR, ml per min per 1.73 m2 (mean ± SD)40.3 ± 9.73
Serum creatinine, mg/dl (mean ± SD)1.58 ± 0.38
Serum albumin, g/dl (mean ± SD)4.27 ± 0.41
LDL cholesterol, mg/dl (mean ± SD)102 ± 29.5
Proteinuria status
 No proteinuria25 (41.7%)
 Proteinuria positive35 (58.3%)
Mean urine volume, ml (mean ± SD)1581 ± 612