Research Article

Characterization of Complexes Synthesized Using Schiff Base Ligands and Their Screening for Toxicity Two Fungal and One Bacterial Species on Rice Pathogens

Table 20

Evaluation of fungicidal property of Schiff bases and metal complexes in vitro.

S. number Chemical
Rhizoctonia solani (PDA medium), average % inhibition of growth after 72 hrs; poisoned food techniqueAcrocylindrium oryzae (PA liquid) average % inhibition of growth after 48 hrs; liquid broth methodXanthomonas oryzae (Hayward’s medium) average % inhibition of growth after 8 days; inhibition zone technique
concentration in ppm concentration in ppm concentration in ppm



3L1-BHFH3016.66-nilnil212- -- -

4[Cu(BHFH)]2-- -- -1902002405- -- -

5[Co(BHFH)(H2O)Cl]2-- -- -1701502408- -- -

6[Ni(BHFH)]245.515-52813011.2- -- -

7[Fe(BHFH)Cl2]262.234.4105510022022.3- -- -

8[Mn(BHFH)(H2O)Cl]295.267.240257613023- -- -

9[VO(BHFH)Cl]210069.6650nilnil1220- -- -

10L2-BHEH206.6-nilnil23- -- -

11[Cu(BHEH)Cl]2521.1101502002458- -- -

12[Co(BHEH)2]-- -- -17519022516.7- -- -

13[Ni(BHEH)2]27- -- -nilnilnil30- -- -

14[Fe(BHEH)(H2O)Cl)]23520-10015520015- -- -

15[Mn(BHEH)2]8250509610015019- -- -

16[VO(BHEH)Cl]21004540nilnil5020- -- -

17L3-HAEP5020-55510- -- -

18[Cu(HAEP)]2-- -- -245- -- -- -- -- -

19[Co(HAEP)(H2O)2]2-- -- -240- -- -- -- -- -

20[Ni(HAEP)2]-- -- -185- -- -- -- -- -

21[Fe(HAEP)(H2O)Cl]2-- -- -200- -- -- -- -- -

22[Cr(HAEP)(H2O)Cl]2-- -- -242- -- -- -- -- -

23[VO(HAEP)(H2O)2]-- -- -245- -- -2- -- -

24L4-BFH3220-7010024020- -- -

25[Cr(BFH)(H2O)Cl2]2-- -- -15020024022- -- -

26[VO(BFH)2(H2O)]9869.665012515020025- -- -

27[Cr(BHDH)Cl]215.55.125190- -- -15- -- -

28[VO(BHDH)(H2O)]32.215-15019824020- -- -

29[Cr(DHA)3]28.5- -- -20024024515- -- -

30[VO(DHA)2(H2O)]50301517020023818- -- -

- indicates negative effect; - - indicates that the compound is not screened.