Research Article

Comparative Protective Effects of N-Acetylcysteine, N-Acetyl Methionine, and N-Acetyl Glucosamine against Paracetamol and Phenacetin Therapeutic Doses–Induced Hepatotoxicity in Rats

Figure 3

Histological changes in the rats' liver of various paracetamol groups. (a) Photomicrograph of a section in the liver of group I showing a normal hepatic structure. The hepatocytes are arranged in the form of plates radiating from the central vein (C). They are polyhedral with acidophilic granular cytoplasm (H). Binucleated cells are common arrows. Hepatic sinusoids appear as narrow spaces between the hepatic plates (S). (b) Group II showing dilated central vein (C) with areas of cellular infiltration in between the hepatocytes (arrow). Notice the hepatocytes with deeply stained nuclei (arrowhead). (c) Group II showing congested central vein (C). Notice many hepatocytes with vacuolated cytoplasm (V). (d) Group III showing decrease in hepatocytes vacuolation but still there are deeply stained nuclei (arrowhead) and dilated congested central veins (C) with exfoliated cells. (e) Group IV showing minimal cellular vacuolation but there is moderate cellular infiltration (Arrow). (f) Group V showing moderate cellular infiltration in between hepatocytes (arrow head) and in liver sinusoids (arrow). (g) Group V showing slight dilatation of blood sinusoids (arrow). H&E x400.