Review Article

A Review of the Advantages and Limitations of Geophysical Investigations in Landslide Studies

Table 5

For each type of movement and “soil” landslide typology, the table summarizes how many papers are focused on it. In italic movement types that usually reach extremely rapid velocities as defined by [2], while for the others, the velocity varies between extremely slow to very rapid (for details, refer to [4]).

TYPE OF MOVEMENT Number of papersSOILNumber of papers

Fall/Boulder/debris/silt fall/

Topple/Gravel/sand/silt topple/

Slide28Clay/silt rotational slide611
Clay/silt planar slide8
Gravel/sand/debris slide1
Clay/silt compound slide2

Spread/Sand/silt liquefaction spread/
Sensitive clay spread/

Flow41Sand/silt/debris dry flow/
Sand/silt/debris flowslide/
Sensitive clay flowslide5
Debris flow9
Mud flow5
Debris flood/
Debris avalanche/
Peat flow/

Slope Deformation6Soil slope deformation6
Soil creep/