Review Article

A Review of the Advantages and Limitations of Geophysical Investigations in Landslide Studies

Table 4

For each drawback, this table explains how the three-level scale (+, -, and n.d., which mean that many/some, insufficient, and non-discussed efforts were made to overcome the limitations) was applied.


Drawback 1(i) Coloured figures  
(ii) 3D figures  
(iii) Figures with interpretations
(i) B&W figures  
(ii) Non-interpreted figures  
(iii) Figures too small  
(iv) Only raw data

Drawback 2There is wide discussion about the technique/s penetration depth and/or resolutionThere are only some mentions of the technique/s penetration depth and/or resolutionThere are no mentions of the technique/s penetration depth and/or resolution

Drawback 3There is wide discussion about the geological interpretation of the geophysical dataThere are only some mentions of the geological interpretation of the geophysical dataThere are no mentions of the geological interpretation of the geophysical data

Drawback 43D/4D data are presented and discussed3D/4D data are presented but they are not discussed in depthNo 3D/4D data are presented or discussed

Drawback 5There is wide discussion on how to link geophysical data with geotechnical and/or hydrological propertiesThere are only some mentions of how to link geophysical data with geotechnical and/or hydrological propertiesThere are no mentions of how to link geophysical data with geotechnical and/or hydrological properties