Research Article

Effects of Environmental and Disturbance Factors on Plant Community Distribution in Tropical Moist Afromontane Forests, South-West Ethiopia

Table 2

List of equations used for calculation of vegetation parameters.

Vegetation parametersEquationEquation no.Reference

Species richness2[46]
H3[44, 47]
Shannon evenness4[44, 47]
SSISs = 5[44, 48]
Beta (β) diversityβ = 6[49, 50]
Harvesting indexHI = 7[51]

“a” = number of tree species common to sites A and B; “b” = number of tree species recorded only in the site A; “c” = number of tree species recorded only in site B, “N”: total number of individuals of all the species; “n”: total number of individuals of the species; Shannon diversity index (H) = where pi is the proportion of individuals found in the ith species; SSI = Sorensen similarity index, H = Shannon diversity index; SD = stump density; EF = expansion factor (3.4 for tropical forest); LD = live tree density.