Research Article

AMMI Automatic Mangrove Map and Index: Novelty for Efficiently Monitoring Mangrove Changes with the Case Study in Musi Delta, South Sumatra, Indonesia

Table 1

Multitemporal images from Landsat 5 TM, Landsat 7 ETM, Landsat 8 OLI, and Sentinel 2 were used for the study, along with the percentage of clouds and shadows in the study area.

NoDate of recordBundle of landsat 8 OLIClouds and shadows cover (%)
1September 9, 2019LC08_L1TP_124062_20190909_20190917_01_T1.tar14.0
NoDate of recordBundle of landsat 7 ETMClouds and shadows cover (%)
1June 30, 2002LE07_L1TP_124062_20020630_20170130_01_T1.tar3.0
2September 13, 2012LE07_L1TP_124062_20120913_20161129_01_T1.tar15.0
3October 13, 2011LE07_L1TP_124062_20111013_20161206_01_T1.tar18.0
NoDate of recordBundle of landsat 5 TMClouds and shadows cover
1May 17, 1989LT05_L1TP_124062_19890517_20170203_01_T1.tar5.0
NoDate of recordBundle of sentinel 2Clouds and shadows cover
1July 16, 2021L1C_T48MVC_A031675_20210716T03202215.0