Research Article

Influence of Soil Nutrients, Tree Age, and Sandalwood Provenances on Sandalwood Oil Yield and Quality

Table 5

The relative presence of common compounds in oil extracts from 12 Sandalwood provenances in Kenya.

Name of compoundsBaringoChyuluHomabayKituiLoitaMaralalMarsabitMbooniMurangaNamangaNarosuraOl Donyo Sabuk

Alpha Bisabolol××××
Lanceol cis
Beta Bisabolene×
Beta santalol××××××××××
Alpha santalol×××××××××
Isopropyl myristate
Isopropyl palmitate××××
Total no. of compounds877666686575

Source: GC- MS analysis. Compound presence (√) or absence (×) in oil extracts from sampled provenances in Kenya.