Research Article

Allometric Equations for Estimating Silk Oak (Grevillea robusta) Biomass in Agricultural Landscapes of Maragua Subcounty, Kenya

Table 2

Classification and description of soil in Maragua subcounty.

AEZPhysiographic LithologySoil description

UM 1MV2Well drained, very deep, dark reddish to dark brown, very friable and smeary, clay loam to clay, with thick acid humic topsoil, in places shallow to moderately deep and rocky: Humic ANDOSOLS, partly lithic phase

UM 2RB1Well drained, extremely deep, dark reddish brown to dark brown, friable and slightly smeary clay with an acid humic topsoil: Ando-humic NITISOLS: with humic ANDOSOLS.
RB2well drained, extremely deep, dusky red to dark reddish brown, friable clay with an acid humic topsoil: humic NITISOL

UM 3RB3Well drained, extremely deep, dusky red to dark reddish brown friable clay; with inclusion of well drained, moderately deep, dark red to dark reddish brown, friable clay over rock, pisoferric or petroferric materials. Eutric NITISOLS: with nito-chromic CAMBISOLS and chromic ACRISOLS and LUVISOLS, partly lithic, pisoferric or petroferric phase

UM 4LB1Well drained, very deep, dark red, very friable clay: Nito-rhodic FERRALSOLS.