Research Article

Provenance Variation on Early Survival Rate and Growth Performance of Oxytenanthera abyssinica (A. Rich.) Munro Seedlings at Green House: An Indigenous Lowland Bamboo Species in Ethiopia

Table 6

Correlation matrix of O. abyssinica seedlings growth and Biomass variables for Sherkole provenance (Pearson coefficients, two-tailed, and n = 30).

VariablesHeightRCDHeight/RCD ratioRhizome lengthR/S Biomass ratioSeedlings total BiomassShoot BiomassRoot Biomass

Height/RCD ratio.366-.6951
Rhizome length.207.279-.0941
R/S Biomass ratio-.197-.756.657.3581
Seedlings total Biomass.616.461.000.576-.1051
Shoot Biomass.504.527-.123.485-.201.8051
Root Biomass.598.409.031.565-.067.987.7061

. Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level.
. Correlation is significant at the 0.05 level.