Research Article

Large Mammal Diversity and Endemism at Geremba Mountain Fragment, Southern Ethiopia

Table 2

Diversity indices of large wild mammal’s indifferent habitat types of Geremba Mountain, southern Ethiopia.

Study site habitat typesSpecies/habitatIndividuals/habitatHDHmaxE

Arbegona (30 km walked)10227 ± 9
 Modified forest (15 km walked)787 ± 31.6794.6291.9450.863
 Alpine bamboo forest (12 km walked)9105 ± 32.0527.1422.1970.934
 Erica scrubland (3 km walked)535 ± 21.4123.8021.6090.877

E: Pielou evenness, H: calculated Shannon-Weiner diversity, Hmax: ln(s) [species diversity under maximum equitability conditions], D: Simpson Index.