Research Article

Benefits of Long-Term Continuation of Low-Dose Methimazole Therapy in the Prevention of Recurrent Hyperthyroidism in Graves’ Hyperthyroid Patients: A Randomized Prospective Controlled Study

Table 3

Univariate analysis of factors associated with recurrent hyperthyroidism in 173 Graves’ hyperthyroid patients who were eligible for analysis at the end of the study.

FactorsHazard ratio value95% CI

Continuation of low-dose methimazole0.2700.0020.116–0.617
Age onset of hyperthyroidism before 40 years old3.6760.0011.657–8.157
Family history of hyperthyroidism2.4660.0321.078–5.640
History of smoking0.0430.6120–73.578
Goiter size at randomization0.6760.0820.318–1.436
Thyroid bruit at randomization1.4920.4540.524–4.252
Ophthalmopathy at randomization∗∗0.5890.3220.027–1.677
Dermopathy at randomization0.0490.7050.00–292401
Serum TT3 at first diagnosis of hyperthyroidism1.6450.1130.55–4.918
Serum TT4 at first diagnosis of hyperthyroidism0.9160.1570.295–2.842
Serum TT3/TT4 at first diagnosis of hyperthyroidism1.2460.5660.588–2.637
Antithyroglobulin antibody at first diagnosis of hyperthyroidism0.0430.3740.00–43.686
Antimicrosomal antibody at first diagnosis of hyperthyroidism1.3430.5300.535–3.371
Duration of methimazole therapy before randomization0.9880.2570.968–1.009

Goiter size was assessed clinically using the 1960 WHO palpation system [16]. ∗∗Patients with eye symptoms suggesting the presence of severe and active ophthalmopathy were not included.