Research Article

Triglyceride Glucose Index Was a Predictor of 6-Month Readmission Caused by Pulmonary Infection of Heart Failure Patients

Table 3

The association between TyG quartile and 6-month readmission of HF patients in DM patients with well and poorly controlled blood glucose.

DM patientsHR (95%CI) for interaction

Glucose ≤7 (n = 76)0.045
 Q13.15 [0.41, 28.40]
 Q331.61 [3.21, 528.05]
 Q40.75 [0.03, 14.87]

Glucose >7 (n = 156)
 Q13.45 [0.19, 110.24]
 Q30.81 [0.20, 3.41]
 Q40.82 [0.22, 3.23]

OR, odds ratio; CI confidence interval.