Research Article

Morphology of Mitochondria in Syncytial Annelid Female Germ-Line Cyst Visualized by Serial Block-Face SEM

Figure 4

(a) Diagram showing the general organization of a germ-line cyst with a reconstructed nurse cell (NC), cytophore (Cy) and ring canals (arrows). Mitochondria are shown in blue, nuage in nurse cell as green dots (inset). (b–h) Three-dimensional reconstructions of the selected components in the analyzed germ-line cyst: general view with reconstructed mitochondria in the nurse cell and cytophore (b), nurse cell mitochondria (c, d), cytophore mitochondria with the 16 ring canals (e), ring canals with the mitochondria passing through them (f), legend: gray – nurse cell outline, dark blue – nurse cell mitochondria, light green – cytophore mitochondria, blue – nurse cell nucleus, light blue – ring canal rims of nurse cells, red – ring canal rim of oocyte, yellow – mitochondria passing through the ring canals. Reconstruction of the fragment of the nurse cell with the nuage (g, h), legend: light green – nuage material, purple – Golgi complexes, dark red – mitochondria of the nuage area, light blue – endoplasmic reticulum.