Review Article

Methyl Jasmonate: Putative Mechanisms of Action on Cancer Cells Cycle, Metabolism, and Apoptosis

Table 2

Effect in vivo of natural and synthetic jasmonates derivatives.

JasmonatesConc. range/vehicleOrganism/tissue/cellsEffectsReferences

MJ (oral)236 mg/kg/lipofundinNormal C57BL/6 mice Nontoxic[15]

MJ (oral)236 mg/kg/lipofundin C57BL/6 mice injected i.p. with murine T-lymphoma EL-4 ↑survival of treated mice as compared to the inoculated control[15]

(lower doses than MJ in vitro)
Murine melanoma
lung metastasis [39]

MJ1–10 μM/EtOHChicken CAMangiogenesis [40]

MJ1–10 μM/EtOHHuman endothelial cells (HUVEC)COX-2/PGE2 pathway[40]

MJ (i.p.)1 g/kg in 0.1 mL vegetal oil, i.p.Multiple myeloma- (MM.1S-) inoculated
in nod/scid mice
↑survival of treated mice as compared to the inoculated control[105]

MJ (topical)1 g/mL oilApplication on cancerous and precancerous human skin lesions  No local or systemic side effects;
3/8 patients with
positive responses

CAM:chorioallantoic membrane of chicken embryo; HUVEC: human umbilical vein and endothelial cells; TBrJA: synthetic 5, 7, 9, 10-tetrabromo jasmonate.