Research Article

Influence of Denture Cleansers on the Retention Loss of Attachment Systems Retained Implant Overdenture

Table 2

Means, SDs, and statistical significances of retention of both Locator attachment systems in different cleaning solutions at the two time points.

Attachment systemSolutionsT1 mean (SD)T2 mean (SD)T2−T1 mean difference (SD)Retention loss in % value

Locator attachmentWater61.34 (4.44)51.45 (3.27)−9.89 (4.93)16.12%0.0001
Corega57.08 (1.09)25.38 (0.65)−31.70 (1.30)45.84%<0.0001
Fittydent52.89 (2.36)30.08 (1.31)−22.82 (2.42)43.14%<0.0001
NaOCI47.78 (1.44)18.22 (1.72)−29.56 (1.98)61.75%<0.0001

Locator R-TX attachmentWater63.39 (3.49)65.54 (7.31)2.15 (9.08)−03.93%0.474
Corega64.22 (4.56)42.20 (0.90)−21.50 (5.35)33.47%<0.0001
Fittydent67.74 (1.80)41.42 (2.25)−26.32 (3.21)38.85%<0.0001
NaOCI59.48 (0.88)41.34 (1.86)−18.15 (1.82)30.51%<0.0001

SD: standard deviation. value <0.05 is significant.