Research Article

In Vivo Cognitive-Enhancing, Ex Vivo Malondialdehyde-Lowering Activities and Phytochemical Profiles of Aqueous and Methanolic Stem Bark Extracts of Piliostigma thonningii (Schum.)

Table 3

Effects of methanolic and aqueous stem bark extracts of P. thonningii on transfer latency during the acquisition period.

TreatmentTransfer latency (s)
Day 1Day 2Day 3

Normal controlefd
Negative control (normal saline)aaa
Positive (Donepezil 1 mg/kg bw)cdb
Extract (a)
 50 mg/kg bwaba
 100 mg/kg bwbcb
 200 mg/kg bwbdc
Extract (b)
 50 mg/kg bwcdb
 100 mg/kg bwcec
 200 mg/kg bwdee

Extract (a): P. thonningii methanolic extract; Extract (b): P. thonningii aqueous extract. Values are expressed as ; Means with the same superscript letter within the same column are not significantly different () while those with different superscript letters are significantly different () (one-way ANOVA followed by Fisher’s LSD).