Research Article

Amyloid-Beta 1-42 Cross-Reactive Antibody Prevalent in Human Sera May Contribute to Intraneuronal Deposition of A-Beta-P-42

Figure 2

Reaction of rabbit monoclonal antibody to Aβ42 with Aβ42 peptide and different proteins in the brain and in the gut directly or indirectly involved with AD. The mean ± 3SD of 12 determinations for each antigen is shown. Compared to the monoclonal antibody’s reaction with amyloid-β-42 as positive control and HSA or unimmunized rabbit serum as negative control, the reaction of this antibody with NMDAR, dopamine-R1 and R2, and GAD-65 is nonreactive, with glutamate-R is equivocal, with tTG-2 and tTG-3 is low or weakly positive, with β-NGF, BDNF, and mTG is highly positive, and with enteric nerve NNA is very highly positive. 0-0.27 OD: nonreactive, 0.271-0.50: equivocal, 0.51-1.2: low positive, 1.21-2.0: moderately positive, 2.01-3.0: highly positive, and >3.0: very highly positive.