Research Article

Family Dynamics and Personal Strengths among Dementia Caregivers in Argentina

Table 1

Caregiver sociodemographic characteristics.

Sociodemographic characteristicFamily dementia caregivers

Gender, % female74.3
Caregiver marital status, %
Education, %
 Elementary/primary 18.1
 Some high school 1.9
 Completed high school 43.8
 Technical studies 1.9
 Some college 1.9
 Completed college 32.4
Socioeconomic level, %
 1-2 (times the minimum wage)10.5
Caregiver age, M (SD)57.71 (13.35)
Period of care in months, M (SD)48.21 (23.13)
Hours caregiving per week, M (SD)63.54 (18.55)

Note. M = mean; SD = standard deviation.