Research Article

Effect of Cultivars and Planting Date on Yield, Oil Content, and Fatty Acid Profile of Flax Varieties (Linum usitatissimum L.)

Table 4

Average concentration of palmitic, stearic, oleic, linoleic, and linolenic acids, and content of saturated, unsaturated (g/100 g), and unsaturated/saturated ratio in the analyzed cultivars in the two planting dates.

CultivarsPalmiticStearic OleicLinoleicLinolenicSat. Unsat. Unsat./Sat

Carapé INTA 6.80ab7.08ab27.73a16.23ab49.19a13.87ab93.16ab6.73a
Curundú INTA6.91b7.81ab28.80a16.71bc47.44a14.71b92.96ab6.33a
P. Ceibal6.64ab8.63b26.95a14.89ab50.52a15.27b92.36a6.20a
P. Lucero6.00ab6.81ab35.50a13.67a46.00a12.81ab95.18ab8.11a
Panambí INTA6.87b8.05b31.47a13.35a47.80a14.92b92.62a6.24a
Tape INTA7.19b7.72ab30.47a14.47ab48.34a14.91b93.29ab6.29a

Different letters in the same column indicate significant difference according to Tukey’s test () between cultivars.