Research Article

The Efficacy of Tumor Characterization for Colorectal Lesions with Blue Light Imaging of a Compact Light-Emitting Diode Endoscopic System Compared to a Laser Endoscopic System: A Pilot Study

Table 1

Clinical characteristics of the 37 lesions observed with BLI-LED and BLI-LASER.

Number of cases37

Number of patients26
Age, ; years
Sex, % (), male/female50 : 50 (13 : 13)
Average size (range) (mm)18.9 (2-70)
Location, % ()
 Right/left/rectum11.4/11.4/77.2 (8 : 8 : 21)
Morphology, % ()
 Polypoid/nonpolypoid56.8 : 43.2 (21/16)
 HP:SSL:LGA:HGD:T1-16.2 : 18.9 : 24.3 : 32.4 : 8.2 (6 : 7 : 9 : 12 : 3)

BLI-LED: magnified blue light imaging, BLI-LASER: magnified blue laser imaging, SD: standard deviation, right: cecum to transverse colon, left: descending colon to sigmoid colon, HP: hyperplastic polyp, SSL: sessile serrated adenoma and polyp, LGA: low-grade adenoma, HGD: high-grade dysplasia, T1-: cancer invading deeper into the submucosal layer.