Research Article

Magnifying Chromoendoscopy with Flexible Spectral Imaging Color Enhancement, Indigo Carmine, and Crystal Violet in Predicting the Histopathology of Colorectal Polyps: Diagnostic Value in a Scare-Setting Resource

Table 6

The agreement of differential diagnostic value of neoplastic and nonneoplastic polyps of magnifying chromoendoscopy with histological results.

MethodsAgreementExpected agreementKappa

Magnifying chromoendoscopy with FICE88.3%71.74%0.5843<0.001
Magnifying chromoendoscopy with Indigo carmine 0.05%92.2%73.57%0.7037<0.001
Magnifying chromoendoscopy with Crystal violet 0.05%93.1%74.18%0.7317<0.001