Research Article

hsa_circRNA_000166 Facilitated Cell Growth and Limited Apoptosis through Targeting miR-326/LASP1 Axis in Colorectal Cancer

Figure 5

miR-326 downregulation or LASP1 upregulation rescued the phenotype dominated by hsa_circRNA_000166. (a, b) CCK-8 and colony formation assay demonstrated that cell codepletion of both siRNA-1 and miR-326 I or depletion of siRNA-1 while overexpression of LASP1 promoted cell growth compared with control groups in HCT116 cells. (c) The number of apoptotic cells in codepletion of both siRNA-1 and miR-326 I or depletion of siRNA-1 while overexpression of LASP1 groups was less than the number in control group HCT116 cells. The Student -test was used for statistics.