Review Article

Temporal Lobe Epilepsy Semiology

Table 1

Temporal and frontal lobe seizures differential semiological features.


Sz frequancyLess frequentOften daily
Sz onsetSlowerAbrupt, explosive
Sleep activationLess commonCharacteristic
AutomatismsCommon-longerLess common
Initial motionless stareCommonLess common
Complex posturesLate, less frequent, less prominentFrequent, prominent, and early
Bipedal automatismsRareCharacteristic
Somatosensory SxRareCommon
VocalizationSpeech (nondominant)Loud, nonspeech (grunt, scream, moan)
Seizure durationLongerBrief
Secondary generalizationLess commonCommon
Postictal confusionMore prominent-longerLess prominent, Short
Postictal aphasiaCommon in dominant hemisphereRare unless spreads to temporal lobe